Friday, October 22, 2010

Senior Portraits

 This was what I would consider my first official photo shoot. I have decided to start listening to what other people are telling me. I am taking a leap of faith and going to start seeing what it is like to have photography as a career. Here are some of my favorites of this beauty who shall remain nameless...

I would just like give a shout out to my momma! She has been a big encouragement to me. When I was little, she would teach me things, like how to not put my finger over the lens or cut peoples heads off.

Monday, October 18, 2010

80 years and counting

Twenty-Two of us headed up to Geneva, Wisconsin to celebrate the life of Grandma Biegel this past weekend. It was there that we created beautiful memories; Gram said that it was one of her best birthdays! For a gift, each one of us wrote her a letter of appreciation and giving her praise for her impact. These were each put into a scrapbook for her to treasure, Greg has some creative cousins, that is for sure!

While we were there we took a walk through the town of Geneva. It is filled with fun shops and restaurants. One of Greg and I's favorite stores was I Love Funkys. It was filled with beautiful antiques and like the name implies many of which were quite unique.

Some of us girls decided to spend the night giving our faces a treat with the mud mask Aunt Janice had purchased in town. We played banana grams while laughing and chatting while our faces slowly stiffened. After words, we were all concerned because our faces were bright red, but fortunately, we woke up the next morning and  felt like our faces were radiant and clean.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Year Ago I Heard Her First Cry

McKenzie Marie

I can't believe she is already 1!!! She is walking and running around like a little monkey and has a big personality. I can only image what life is going to be like when she starts talking! Her beauty on the the inside and out reminds me of her mother, my dear friend Christa.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

God Gave Me a Gift Yesterday

In the midst of my senior year I am responsible for many things that include a section in the school newspaper, my floor of 27 girls and 4 big final projects, amongst all the other responsibilities of living. The past two weeks I have found myself feeling incredibly overwhelmed by this. School is a foreign thing for me to feel stressed about. And to be honest, I have become a frazzled person.

 Please do not assume that I am over committed or that I need to just take time to breathe each day, because I'm not and I do. Those are not the solution to this nor my point in writing this. I am writing about this because I want to publicly state how grateful I am for God blessings even in the midst of chaos.

Yesterday, I had an unexpected chance to see my sister, my niece, and my mother. It was just what I needed. There is no way that I could even begin to feel frustrated or tense while holding Nora, she is so beautiful and her coos while she drifts off to sleep are precious enough to melt anyones heart. God gave me an extra special gift right when I needed it.

When I see her I see the glory of God, I see His image, I see His miracle. Thank You Lord!