Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why-the-Chicken-Crossed-the-Road Santa Fe-tastic Tortilla Soup

Since I enjoyed writing my blog in Nicaragua, I decided I would continue to make a habit of it. I would like to invite you to join me on my life journey and what ever God brings my way. Whether its the recipes I try, places I visit, or the things God reveals to me I want you to be a part of it. I hope you enjoy reading and feel free to join in my conversation.

Thanks to Rachel Ray's 30 minuet meals, I was able to make tortilla soup for the first time last night. It was quite simple and the results were tasty! The only thing I would have changed was to make it less chunky, but that is just my preference for all soup.

It calls for charred corn and red bell peppers, those two along with the sauteed onions and chili peppers gave the soup the perfect unique taste that you don't find in other dishes with a tomato base.

The recipe can be found at...


Deborah Dykstra said...

I want...yo quiero tu sopa! love, momma

Unknown said...

Are you sure you don't have some Mexican blood in you?? Golly, that was great soup!

tccedprof said...

Were there leftovers? I didn't see any in the frig!