Friday, June 17, 2011

Nora Elizabeth - The Joy of Our Family

Nora Elizabeth, my beautiful 9 month old niece. She is always laughing, crawling around, getting into cords, and bringing my family joy. My sister made an emergency trip to Chicago from Texas, so I got to see both of their beautiful faces! I figured I had to quick snap some photos of this baby before I brought them back to the airport. So there we were on Tuesday, in the middle of Demote, IN on the side of a country road with the flashers on, snapping away as the sun set. Michelle, I hope these bring you joy during this difficult time and Jake I hope these make you smile as you serve our country so bravely! 


Anonymous said...

Her eyes say a million words !!
Pretty little girl ! She so resembles you and your sister !!
Grams B

Jake said...

JoJo, these are beautiful, thank you so much for using your talent and helping a Daddy thousands of miles away smile.

Anonymous said...

okay this baby is sooo cute haha!:) love the pics-Lexi